Friday, May 21, 2021

Happy Talk Like Yoda Day (May 21)

Like Yoda We Talk

(41st anniversary of “The Empire Strikes Back” release)

Master Yoda we celebrate today --
Syntax we torture to his way we say.
Try you not only the thing you must do --
Your tongue we untwist can when you be through

In Dagobah swamp him first we do meet --
Skywalker Yoda trains, head below feet.
Away undone raw Jedi called to fly --
Swamp back he comes in time Yoda to die.

Gone then he was, henceforth one with the Force,
Later in the past returns he, of course.
Angry Anakin he trust not to train
But rash Ben Kenobi he not restrain.

Clone Army he commands, Republic fix,
But not foresee he Order Sixty-six.
Darth Sidious he duels, but failed, he did.
Into exile he went, in swamps he hid.

There him Luke finds before in the future --
Back us Lucas takes to that adventure.
As Force spirit he pops up when scripts need --
His cryptic words haunted Jedi must heed.

With you the Force be, so powerful is,
If like Yoda you learn to use talk his.
If which words you know not sentences end with,
At least do not condescend like a Sith.


  1. Well, that is a tongue twister to read!

  2. I think I sprained a brain cell or two writing it.
