Occam's Electric Shaver
Well, that seems simple enough, I have heard,
Quite elegantly said and maybe true.
But, in mystery, I like some absurd
To consider with the obvious clue.
What remains with all fantasy trimmed off
Is an imagination held in chains.
Scandal of naked truth should make one scoff
At the lack of challenge to idle brains.
Twist my path and lead me further astray
As I explore my wide world of wonders.
A simple game may be easy to play,
But I might learn much more from my blunders.
Sliding Down the Rainbow
It takes both rain and sun to form
A rainbow across the grey sky.
You must wait through the soaking storm --
Then it's gone ere the ground is dry.
Seize the moment while it is here,
Though not the most convenient time.
Too soon chances will disappear,
Not again your doorbell to chime.
The Lonely Rabbit
The lonely rabbit sits in his hutch
Wishing to go out for work or fun.
It is so long since he’s been in touch
With family or friends or anyone.
He had plans for this upcoming spring –
Many places to go and things to do.
With treats, baskets, and presents to bring
To hide in nooks where nobody knew.
And now he’s told to stay at home,
As a non-essential worker.
No more allowed streets nor fields to roam,
He feels that he is such a shirker.