Demon of Doubt
Here is an odd bit of research. There is no name I found for a patron "demon of doubt". There are tricksters and deceivers who specialize in making others believe what is not true. Doubt would be a defense against them. Replacing one's beliefs with a new set might be seen as doubting the previous set, but every demon worthy of a name seems to ensure that its victim is not left bereft of all belief.
Rene sat by his fireplace. Or so it seemed. He was not ready to believe where, when, or who he was. He was going to doubt everything lacking proof of its reality. He called upon Doubt to cleanse his being in order to build afresh.
Did Rene believe in Doubt? Could Doubt truly blank out his mind? No, It could not. He continue to think - to desire, to conjecture, to compose, to analyze, to dream. Doubt cannot eliminate me, he thought defiantly ...
I am real!
But, beyond me, what else is real? Testing Doubt's ability to annihilate my existence and discovering Its failure does not prove that Doubt cannot exist. Merely, I now know that Doubt is not omnipotent. Doubt can fail, and that which can fail is incomplete and imperfect.
But I can conceive Doubt and wield It as a defense against the trickery of my senses and the blind obedience to others' unproven speculations. As can they, if they so chose, against their senses and my thoughts. Doubt is a child and servant of all people, now and forever reborn. Doubt exists because I can make it so.
Doubt, my child, is imperfect. I, too, am imperfect for I know that my senses can deceive me. But Doubt blocks both the false and the true, I would suppose, for I have no reason to believe that Truth does not exist. Although Doubt cannot defeat my existence, Doubt can hide Truth.
Thus, Truth if it exists, is also not omnipotent for it cannot overcome the fallible Doubt. Truth is imperfect and incomplete. As I conceived Doubt, I also created Truth as a flawed entity.
How can Perfection exists if it is not True?
And if there is no Perfection, then is there Harmony? Purpose?
Is anything Real if it lacks Purpose? Nothing is Reality, thus Reality is Nothing.
I am Real? I am Nothing.
Perhaps, I should believe everything ... until it is proven false ...
If there is anything to believe ...