Sunday, March 29, 2015

Get Over It!

Get Over It!

How often heard is that advice
To clear the past from the future?
Such small aid when held in a vise
To find closure with one suture.

You look at that wall behind you,
Because you are walking backwards.
You approach what's next with no clue,
Distracted from what you go towards.

It'll give you a bump soon enough,
Catching you in unneeded surprise.
Your inattention it'll rebuff
If you let it capture your eyes.

So get over it! Let it pass,
Unless at its feet you would drop.
Your life will continue its flow --
Your next new challenges will not stop.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dilemma of Assistance

Dilemma of Assistance

To clean up a mess or just walk around
Is often the spot in which I am found.
Nobody can blame me for the snafu,
But I wonder if something I could do.

Too late to prevent what has happened here;
No sense to protest the path is not clear.
If I would go as I had intended,
Then the problem, it seems, must be mended.

But I could choose to divert another way
And use the muss to excuse my delay.
I was not invited to the disaster
And the detour around might be faster.

Why feel such guilt where no part I partook,
Or where perhaps my advice they forsook?
To cast a rope to those caught in chagrin
Is to risk the same fate and get pulled in.

Am I so noble to bear others’ danger
And to swap my comfort with a stranger?
Or so in need of praise to my glory
To rush to play hero in the story?

Must one accept responsibility
To respond because of ability?
Do I mistake Pride for proper Duty,
Or turn cheek for a kick in the booty?

Do you ask for my help free of all blame
When ‘til now you left me out of the game?
Or on the sidelines may I yet remain
And from all your problems simply abstain?

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Many Me

Many Me

All that's goodies is not good for me
Perhaps very little is.
Mind and body so do disagree
When you have diabetes.

What I may have versus what I want
Define this constant conflict.
Metabolism my desires taunt
As my life it does restrict.

But this is not the only battle
That rages within my insides --
Competing thoughts their sabers rattle
To choose which my actions guides.

Some parts wish I were a better man
And some prefer to be worse.
Some say to help whenever I can;
Some dismiss them with a curse.

I am not one thing in full accord,
But a balance of so much --
Parts to show and parts to be ignored
In the self the world to touch.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Naked Turtle

"Giving up a well beloved habit is like trying to talk a turtle out of its shell." -- Uncle Romulus

A Naked Turtle

In the fortress of his old shell,
The Turtle could perform quite well.
He had everything at hand,
And could hide when there's a demand.

Your comfort gives you too much ease,
Said the squirrels up in the trees.
You should scurry about all day,
If you would truly earn your pay.

I get to wherever I go
With my plans made careful and slow.
I prepare to have what I need,
So from wasteful haste I am freed.

You forget where you put your nuts
And search again, chasing your butts.
While I took long to build my home
To reduce how much I must roam.

Without your shell, what you could be!
Although you could never be me.
You're a dinosaur in a rock
Who cannot keep up with the flock.

Progress requires much more speed;
It's the mammals who will succeed.
The nimble will capture the prize
And the slow be lost in surprise.

I am not tempted to come out
By the future promises you shout.
What I do works each day for me,
As it has throughout history.

You're not lucky enough, it seems,
To be Turtle in nature's schemes.
You know not what happens in here,
So at the unknown you do jeer.

Squirrel or turtle stew tonight;
To both yet can come the same plight.
You go jump to your next hideout,
And I'll be inside my redoubt.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Demon of Doubt

Demon of Doubt

Here is an odd bit of research. There is no name I found for a patron "demon of doubt". There are tricksters and deceivers who specialize in making others believe what is not true. Doubt would be a defense against them. Replacing one's beliefs with a new set might be seen as doubting the previous set, but every demon worthy of a name seems to ensure that its victim is not left bereft of all belief.

Rene sat by his fireplace. Or so it seemed. He was not ready to believe where, when, or who he was. He was going to doubt everything lacking proof of its reality. He called upon Doubt to cleanse his being in order to build afresh.

Did Rene believe in Doubt? Could Doubt truly blank out his mind? No, It could not. He continue to think - to desire, to conjecture, to compose, to analyze, to dream. Doubt cannot eliminate me, he thought defiantly ... I am real!

But, beyond me, what else is real? Testing Doubt's ability to annihilate my existence and discovering Its failure does not prove that Doubt cannot exist. Merely, I now know that Doubt is not omnipotent. Doubt can fail, and that which can fail is incomplete and imperfect.

But I can conceive Doubt and wield It as a defense against the trickery of my senses and the blind obedience to others' unproven speculations. As can they, if they so chose, against their senses and my thoughts. Doubt is a child and servant of all people, now and forever reborn. Doubt exists because I can make it so.

Doubt, my child, is imperfect. I, too, am imperfect for I know that my senses can deceive me. But Doubt blocks both the false and the true, I would suppose, for I have no reason to believe that Truth does not exist. Although Doubt cannot defeat my existence, Doubt can hide Truth.

Thus, Truth if it exists, is also not omnipotent for it cannot overcome the fallible Doubt. Truth is imperfect and incomplete. As I conceived Doubt, I also created Truth as a flawed entity.

How can Perfection exists if it is not True?

And if there is no Perfection, then is there Harmony? Purpose?

Is anything Real if it lacks Purpose? Nothing is Reality, thus Reality is Nothing.

I am Real? I am Nothing.

Perhaps, I should believe everything ... until it is proven false ...

If there is anything to believe ...