Sunday, January 6, 2013

Unwrapping January's Present

Unwrapping January's Present

Upon the white canvas of winter snow,
January invites us to paint afresh.
A year complete into the past did go,
Clearing the way for new thoughts to express.

Our minds drag along old troubles and woe
As we awake each morn to face the day.
That history's load makes our progress slow
As unchangeable past again we replay.

Janus, two-faced god, opens the yearly gate
To move us forth from that to leave behind.
He guards our back against trailing foes irate,
Welcoming us home for peace there to find.

Accept this gift of protected refuge
For these moments now when it is offered.
It is but a trick, mental subterfuge,
And yet an escape from the world absurd.

A chance to stand back, cleanly to observe
The strife we worry into our own head.
The past has lessons to help bend the curve,
But, survived, our fear of it should be shed.

Too easy to repeat the mistakes past
When we become trapped by their rutted path.
Seek a device to break that binding cast
And free us all from blunders' aftermath.

The calendar has ended and begun;
The snow has covered our previous trail.
Let's forget the fights and battles unwon
And together commence a better tale.

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