Sunday, January 27, 2013

Of Micely Men

Of Micely Men

To be bold, I am told, can be cold.
To use wit, without fit, is no hit.
Hold that thought until sought, I was taught.
Good manners, not banters, enchant hers.
To keep friends, silence sends your amends.
Enemy had easy with lips free.
In riot, be quiet or die yet.
Thinking twice, seek advice from meek mice.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Million Gun March

Million Gun March

Gun owners, arise!

Cast off your complacent nature.

Come out of your fortified homes.

You are been vilified by the actions of only a few (thousand). You are being labeled as purveyors of violence, corruptors of civilization, destroyers of peace, and perpetuators of outdated American myths.

The time has come to step out of the shadows cast by criminals and show your neighbors who you are. Time to come out of your gun closets and display your pride.

It is time to march. To march to Washington, D.C. And awake the nation to the glory, freedom, and power of guns for good!

What is the true power of guns? Show them. Show that you can assemble one million people with one million guns on the National Mall and have hardly any murders, suicides, and armed robberies. Show them the effect on the crime rate in the District when a million visitors, armed against aggression, are added to its population for a weekend.

When should you march? April 19, 2013, the 238th anniversary of the finest display of the value of the armed citizen in our nation's history. Remind all Americans who answers the call when our country needs you. Who is there the minute trouble starts? The citizen. Who is there when there is not time to wait for police or the army? The citizen. Enshrined in the Constitution defining our nation is the recognition of the necessity of the armed citizen to preserve our security. Remember that and march to remind everyone else!

There is no right in the Constitution to be a criminal, no right to be a lunatic. But guns do not make criminals and lunatics – they only enable them. March to the National Mall with your heads and your guns held high to demonstrate your sanity and allegiance to the founding principles of this great nation.

Assemble, gun owners! March!

[Unfortunately, I do not own a gun, so you will not be seeing me in your patriotic crowd. But have a good time – April is lovely in DC. Oh, and remember if somebody yells “Duck”, it might not mean an opportunity to hunt waterfowl.]

Sunday, January 13, 2013

If I Had a Dream

If I Had a Dream

In our dreams, we see a different world,
Peopled by the real, the wished, and the feared.
On landscapes known and in settings so swirled
We know not if all is what it appeared.

If I had a dream that could become real,
Would it be born of my hope or my fear?
Do we control our mind and how we feel,
To choose which path to follow, where to steer?

If I had a dream, set for all to live,
Would we all equals be, sharing the same life?
No poor, no rich, to all requisites give,
And in uniformity, we would end strife.

What a dull utopia in which to reside
With nothing worse, but nothing better too.
No caste and no history to divide,
But without contrast or change to pursue.

If I had a dream, destined to creep out,
Could I plan all the turns and twist within?
In the churn of my thoughts, do I have doubt
Of unforeseen mischief I might begin?

If I had a dream, someday to come true,
For whom would its machination be built?
Would I contrive to reform only you
Or blend myself into the patchwork quilt?

It may be better our dreams merely guide
How, awake, we deal with one another.
Allow our conscious minds jointly decide
What we owe and are owed by our brother.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Unwrapping January's Present

Unwrapping January's Present

Upon the white canvas of winter snow,
January invites us to paint afresh.
A year complete into the past did go,
Clearing the way for new thoughts to express.

Our minds drag along old troubles and woe
As we awake each morn to face the day.
That history's load makes our progress slow
As unchangeable past again we replay.

Janus, two-faced god, opens the yearly gate
To move us forth from that to leave behind.
He guards our back against trailing foes irate,
Welcoming us home for peace there to find.

Accept this gift of protected refuge
For these moments now when it is offered.
It is but a trick, mental subterfuge,
And yet an escape from the world absurd.

A chance to stand back, cleanly to observe
The strife we worry into our own head.
The past has lessons to help bend the curve,
But, survived, our fear of it should be shed.

Too easy to repeat the mistakes past
When we become trapped by their rutted path.
Seek a device to break that binding cast
And free us all from blunders' aftermath.

The calendar has ended and begun;
The snow has covered our previous trail.
Let's forget the fights and battles unwon
And together commence a better tale.