Sunday, August 26, 2012

Flower Power

FLOWER POWER (circa 1970, editted)

In the middle of the field, grows a little daisy,
And, by his roots, an ant colony is ruled by a tyrant.
Hey, little daisy, silly little daisy, why are you so lazy,
While about you hundreds of little laborers pant?
They work in oppression and utter dejection,
While above, you mindlessly dance in the breeze.
Does your disgust of their work cause your rejection,
Or can you just overlook tyranny with such ease?

But the silly little daisy, oh so lazy, has no ear
Nor a voice to object nor arms to restrain.
How could the silly daisy stop what it cannot hear,
And be guilty from intervention to refrain?
But, men, silly little men, why are you so lazy
While below a rabble of mistreated citizens rants?
You are men with ears, arms, and voices, not a daisy,
Nor are those unfortunate souls merely little ants.

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