The Magic Ring
(7/24/1986)Unto the poor country of Drake
Came a traveler to see the king.
“Lead to gold your wealth to make
With the aid of my magic ring.”
The Kingdom Drake is so poor,
It yet has not any lead.
“Then it should be the first chore
To dig it from its bed.”
The word went out to the county
To start to mine the ore.
Peasants would receive a bounty
When the kingdom was no longer poor.
“We need to smelt the ore to metal
And gather it all here.
We need to build the smelting kettle
And roads which reach to there.”
So roads were built and foundries founded
To draw the metal from fire.
The din and noise of industry sounded
From every village and shire.
Commerce grew and, with it, trade
With all the nearby neighbors.
Extra lead into trinkets made
Brought gold from workers' labors.
Rich grew the Kingdom of Drake
Ere lead to the traveler they bring.
“Lead to gold your wealth to make
With the magic of industry's ring.”